Hi! I’m Sarah, I blog, I recruit, I train, I’m a Mum to 5, I’m a partner and I live with several skins disorders. So welcome to my page, I want to talk all things skin, hair and life (from Alopecia to Atopic dermatitis to Acne), it’s gonna be positive and empowering, but also the shoulder you need to find support and strength when you’re doubting yourself or the world around you.

I started this blog 7 years ago at the age of  35 as I had experienced Alopecia Areata (resulting in Alopcia Universalis for six years) on and off through out my life from the age of 15, and was keen to raise awareness and online support for the condition.

It was short lived. Why?

Well, life chucks you the odd curve ball now then and my marriage fell apart. We did try and make it work, but within 12 months we had separated indefinitely. I found myself suddenly facing life on my own with three young girls and I’ll openly admit the responsibility was overwhelming. Being consistently present for my kids was all I could manage. My hair loss took on a life of it’s own again and the blog took a backseat (without having really got started).

Whilst skin conditions may not often be life threatening, they can be emotionally devastating to those who have to live with them on a day to day basis. Through this blog, I’d like to share some of my daily experiences with all my skin challenges, publise new research/findings, have fun with products and offer support in a safe environment to anyone who needs it.